6/12 AEW Dynamite Results (2024)

6/12 AEW Dynamite Results (1)

LIVE 6/12 AEW Dynamite Results – We are live from the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, Iowa, as AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland makes his way to the ring to start the show.

Strickland says Forbidden Door is right around the corner, then addresses Will Ospreay challenging him for the AEW World Championship. He says the match will be two of the biggest stars of this generation will be colliding, and one killer will be competing in the match. He says he told Ospreay ten years ago, he’d be unstoppable when he developed his killer instinct. He says he saw an assassin get the job done in his match against Kenny Omega last year at Forbidden Door, as was the case against Konosuke Takesh*ta and Bryan Danielson at AEW Revolution and AEW Dynasty. Strickland says he didn’t see that instinct at AEW Double or Nothing, and says he needs to have that instinct to dethrone him. He credits Ospreay with being a fighting champion unlike the AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks.

The Elite appear on the ramp, and Kazuchika Okada asks the crowd whose house it is. He says it’s his house, and Nicholas Jackson says they’re at ringside to take care of some business. He says before they address that, they want to talk about how dominant they’ve been as a group. He rattles off some of The Elite’s accomplishments, then says despite all of that, they keep getting trolled online by fans and underestimated by roster members in the back. He then says The Elite challenges AEW’s best in a Blood & Guts Match.

Matthew Jackson informs Strickland that while they don’t love what he’s said about them, they like his style. He says that Strickland is young and a champion like them, then invites him to be the fifth member of The Elite’s Blood & Guts team. Matthew then presents Strickland with a pair of The Young Bucks’ sneakers as a present, and Strickland takes them. He then tells The Elite they got his shoe size wrong, then says no one wears pearl necklaces anymore. He says he’s a businessman who does his own stuff, then has Nana toss The Young Bucks’ sneakers into the crowd.

Matthew says there’s something making a buzz sound, then says it’s the injury bug about to bite Strickland. Strickland prepares to fight The Elite alone, but The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn run down to the ring to even the odds. The Elite slide out of the ring, and Christopher Daniels appears on the ramp. He tells everyone at ringside to head to the back except for Jack Perry, who will be having his TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier against Dustin Rhodes up next. Rhodes then makes his way down to the ring.

AEW TNT Title Qualifying Match: Dustin Rhodes vs. Jack Perry

The bell rings and Rhdes fires off right hands on Perry. He connects with a chop on him, but Perry responds with a few strikes of his own. Rhodes lands a lariat before Perry exposes the middle turnbuckle and sends Rhodes crashing out of the ring. Rhodes gets Perry up on his shoulders, but Perry escapes and sends Rhodes crashing into the ring post and the ring steps. He then exposes the concrete, but Rhodes connects with a back body drop on Perry on top of the concrete.

Back from the break, Perry has a chair in hand, but the referee confiscates it from him. Perry jams his knee into the back of Rhodes’ neck, but Rhodes catches him with a powerslam and follows it up with a bulldog. He rains down right hands on Perry in the corner, then grabs the chair in the ring. The referee disposes of the chair, and Rhodes low blows Perry in the corner while she’s distracted. Rhodes then delivers The Bionic Elbow to Perry and connects with Cross-Rhodes before he goes for a pin. Perry kicks out.

Perry delivers a knee to Rhodes’ midsection, then sends him crashing into the exposed middle turnbuckle and looks to pin him. Rhodes rolls out of the ring before he can, and Perry follows him out there. He delivers a DDT to him on the exposed concrete, and Perry gets back in the ring. The referee begins a ten count, but Rhodes beats it. While the referee is looking away, Perry delivers a low blow to Rhodes. Rhodes flips Perry off, but Perry brushes it off and delivers a running knee for hte win.

Winner: Jack Perry

Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly Talk Trios Action

We see footage of how AEW Collision ended with Orange Cassidy. Backstage live, Renee Paquette is with Cassidy and his partners for tonight’s Trios bout, Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly. Willow Nightingale walks up and Cassidy says he knows she has his back. Briscoe rants as O’Reilly smiles with his mouth hanging wide open in awe of the master of Redneck Fu.

RUSH vs. “The Iceberg” Deonn Rusman

The bell rings and Rush wastes no time. He delivers an elbow on Rusman, then lands a chop on him on the outside and sends him crashing into the barricade three times. He delivers a series of forearms to his chest, then fires off stomps on him and lands another chop. He gets Rusman back inside the ring, then delivers a couple more chops on him in the corner and fires off stomps. He then connects with the Bull’s Horns for the win.

Winner: RUSH


After the quick match wraps up, RUSH beats down Rusman some more and brings him into the ring, where he calls him a typical American. The fans chant for MJF and right on cue, his theme hits. Out he comes and he takes his jacket off before charging to the ring. MJF and RUSH immediately trade shots in the middle of the ring as the crowd goes wild. Security runs down to try and break them apart.

The two take out the security one-by-one and then turn and charge at each other to brawl some more. We see Interim EVP Christopher Daniels freaking out trying to separate them. RUSH takes MJF out to the floor, but MJF reverses and throws him into the crowd. The continue to fight through the crowd as more security rushes to the scene.

The brawl finds its’ way backstage, where MJF tackles RUSH onto a table, which breaks. Excalibur announces MJF vs. RUSH next week on Dynamite in the opening match, commercial-free. We head to another commercial break.

Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly vs. Konosuke Takesh*ta, Kyle Fletcher & Roderick Strong

Strong and Cassidy begin the action. The bell rings and Cassidy immediately tags out to O’Reilly. Strong tags out to Fletcher, and O’Reilly delivers a kick to Fletcher’s thigh. The pair then exchange forearms, and Fletcher lands a shoulder tackle on O’Reilly. O’Reilly turns Fletcher inside out with a knee to his midsection, then tags in Mark. Mark delivers a chop to Fletcher in the corner, then delivers a second one off the middle turnbuckle. Takesh*ta tags in and takes Mark’s eye, but Mark delivers a right hand to Takesh*ta’s midsection and tags in Cassidy.

Cassidy looks to land a crossbody off the top rope, but Takesh*ta catches him. He levels O’Reilly, then sends Cassidy crashing into the mat and fires off strikes on him. Fletcher tags in and looks to land a double back elbow on Cassidy with Takesh*ta, but Casisdy sees them coming and delivers a double hurricanrana to Fletcher and Takesh*ta. O’Reilly, Mark, Takesh*ta, Strong, and Fletcher begin brawling on the outside, and Casisdy flies to level them all. Cassidy then stares down Beretta, but Takesh*ta surprises him and delivers a forearm to him before jamming his boot into Cassidy’s neck.

Back from the break, O’Reilly and Strong tag in, and O’Reilly levels Strong with a pair of kicks. Fletcher tags in and O’Reilly delivers a Dragon Screw to Takesh*ta through the middle rope. O’Reilly then delivers a double Dragon Screw to Takesh*ta and Fletcher, and Strong looks to land an Angle Slam on him. Mark tags in and fires off chops on Fletcher as O’Reilly brawls with Takesh*ta. O’Reilly delivers a running boot to Fletcher before Mark delivers an open palm strike to Strong.

Mark connects with an enzuigiri on Strong, then charges at him in the corner. Strong catches him with a boot, and Mark flies to land a dropkick on him. He gets Fletcher back inside the ring, and the now legal Cassidy delivers a diving DDT off the top rope to Fletcher. He go for a pin, but Fletcher kicks out. Cassidy sets up for Orange Punch, but Takesh*ta grabs his leg. This opens the door for Fletcher to land a kick and a Snap Dragon suplex on him. O’Reilly levels Fletcher, but Strong takes Fletcher down. Mark takes down Strong with a Fisherman’s Buster, but Takesh*ta levels Mark with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cassidy then delivers a Tornado DDT to Takesh*ta and Stun-Dog Millionaire on Fletcher.

Cassidy and O’Reilly double team on Fletcher, and Cassidy ascends to the top. Strong grabs his leg, opening the door for Fletcher to deliver a Brainbuster to him. Unbeknownst to him. Mark is the legal man. He delivers an elbow drop off the top and pins Fletcher, but Strong breaks the fall. O’Reilly locks in a Guillotine on Strong, and an interfering Takesh*ta delivers a jumping knee to him. This opens the door for Fletcher to deliver the Kyle Driver to Mark for the win.

Winners: The Don Callis Family and Roderick Strong

After the match, Beretta rains down right hands on Cassidy as Fletcher goes after Mark. Willow Nightingale’s music hits, but she is nowhere to be found. Kris Statlander then drags Nightingale on the ramp and beats her down as Stokely Hathaway mocks Nightingale on the microphone. He warns Nightingale against involving herself in their business again, then takes a picture of her laid out on the ramp.

A vignette for Shingo Takagi airs ahead of Forbidden Door. Backstage, interim EVP Christopher Daniels is shown. He announces next week all of The Elite members will compete in eliminator matches. If their opponents win, they will win shots at the tag-team and International title shots. Everyone will be banned from ringside during these matches.

Samoa Joe & HOOK vs. The Premier Athletes

The bell rings and Joe fires off right hands on Nese in the ring. HOOK tags in, and Joe delivers a clothesline to Nese in the corner. HOOK levels him, but Daivari tags in and fires off right hands on HOOK with Nese. Nese tags back in and the pair fires off stomps on HOOK. Daivari flies off the top rope, but HOOK moves out of the way. He levels Nese with a T-Bone suplex, and Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch on Nese. HOOK locks in Redrum on Daivari, and Daivari taps out as Shibata makes Sterling fade with a Sleeper.

Winners: Samoa Joe & HOOK

TBS Championship
Mercedes Mone (C) vs. Zeuxis

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Zeuxis lands a shoulder tackle on Mone. Zeuxis mocks Mone, then delivers a right hand to her spine. Mone delivers the Deja Vu, then connects with a dropkick and delivers an overhand chop to her. Mone delivers an arm drag to Zeuxis, but Zeuxis rolls her up. Mone kicks out and Zeuxis delivers a roundhouse kick to her head. She delivers a second kick, but Mone trips her and sends her crashing to the floor on the outside using the announce desk. Zeuxis delivers a kick to Mone’s leg, then delivers a dropkick that sends her crashing to the outside and follows it up with a top suicida.

Back from the break, Zeuxis has a Bow and Arrow locked in on Mone. Mone escapes by countering into a pinfall, but Zeuxis kicks out. Zeuxis gets Mone on her shoulders and delivers a Liger Bomb, then goes for a pin. Mone kicks out and Zeuxis gets her back on her shoulders. Mone counters into a hurricanrana nad goes for a pin, but Zeuxis kicks out. Zeuxis then fires off shoulders on Mone in the corner and delivers an open palm strike to her. Mone responds with a bulldog and delivers a pair of double knees to Zeuxis, then follows it up with a meteora and a second one off the middle rope. She goes for a pin, but Zeuxis kicks out.

Mone connects with the Three Amigos on Zeuxis, but Zeuxis prevents her from landing a third one and delivers a double underhook Lung Blower. Zeuxis looks to land a moonsault off the top rope, but Mone avoids it and lands the Mone Maker for the win.

Winner: Mercedes Mone

An entertaining vignette airs to profile Mina Shirakawa. The video package also looks at Mina’s friendship and former tag-team with Mariah May. Backstage, “Timeless” Toni Storm is stroking Mariah’s head.

May tells her Mina will be here next week for a contract signing. Renee Paquette brings up Storm’s match on AEW Rampage this week. Storm gives her quick comment and then heads off after her “watch for the shoe” line.

The TV Time With The Learning Tree With Private Party

Bill introduces Chris Jericho, and he makes his way down to the ring along with Bryan Keith. Jericho then asks who wants more TV Time, and puts over his new Learning Tree shirt. He says when he was eating some local corn backstage, it was a little ripe. He gives Des Moines some “advice” about how to grow corn, then introduces Private Party.

Isaiah Kassidy and Marq Quen make their way down to the ring, and Jericho tells them their high flying is off the charts. He says they’ve done a lot of great things, but they haven’t won matches. He says Private Party’s basics in the ring aren’t up to par, then says he knows a thing or two about the basics. He says Private Party can’t even climb the top rope properly, and Kassidy tells Jericho to teach them since he, Quen, and Des Moines want to see it. Kassidy says Jericho is an original, and Jericho ascends to the top. He shows Private Party how to climb up the ropes, and Kassidy pushes him down. Private Party then attacks Bill and Keith before Kassidy ascends to the top rope and lands a senton. Quen then follows it up with a moonsault off the top.

Daniel Garcia vs. Nick Comoroto

The bell rings and Garcia wastes no time firing off right hands and stomps on Comoroto. We see Will Ospreay watching the action from backstage as Comoroto gets Garcia above his head. Garcia escapes and delivers a back suplex to Comoroto as we see MJF watching the action from backstage. He then delivers his finisher for the win.

Winner: Daniel Garcia

Renee Paquette approaches Will Ospreay as he is still shown watching on a monitor backstage. She asks him about Garcia, who he compliments but says he’s got a title defense against Rey Fenix coming up next to focus on, and a contract to turn in. On that note, we head to another commercial break.

When we return, we see a message from PAC, who says he’s supposed to be a Bastard, but he feels more like a b*tch. He announces he is entering the 2024 Owen Hart Cup. He vows to win and claim the AEW title at Wembley Stadium.

AEW International Championship
Will Ospreay (C) vs. Rey Fenix

The bell rings and Fenix and Ospreay fire off right hands on one another. Ospreay delivers a chop to Fenix, and the two go back and forth with one another. Ospreay delivers a chop to Fenix, but Fenix responds with a hurricanrana. Fenix then delivers a chop to Ospreay on the apron, but Ospreay sends Fenix crashing onto the floor with a boot. He looks to fly, but Fenix gets back inside the ring. He delivers a boot through the ropes, then delivers a hurricanrana off the apron and a Frog Splash off the top rope.

Back from the break, Fenix locks in an Octopus on Ospreay. Ospreay escapes and sends Fenix crashing into the mat, then delivers a right hand to Fenix off the top rope. Ospreay delivers a springboard kick to Fenix before the two teeter on the top rope. Fenix lands a kick on Ospreay’s head, and the two continue teetering on the top rope before Fenix delivers an avalanche hurricanrana to Ospreay. Ospreay lands on his feet and looks to land a Tornado DDT, but Fenix lands on his feet. Fenix delivers a roundhouse kick to Ospreay’s head, but Ospreay connects with a superkick. Fenix delivers a kick to Ospreay’s midsection, but Ospreay sends Fenix crashing into the mat and goes for a pin. Fenix kicks out.

Back from another break, Fenix has another submission locked in on Ospreay. He then connects with a Crucifix Bomb and a suplex on Ospreay, but Ospreay sets up for Storm Breaker. Fenix escapes and Ospreay delivers an enzuigiri to him, then looks to land Os-Cutter. Fenix avoids it, but Ospreay looks for the maneuver a second time and lands it. Fenix sends Ospreay crashing into the mat and lands a thrust kick, then charges at Ospreay. Ospreay catches Fenix with a strike, then ascends to the top and stares down Strickland. He then tells Strickland it’s his house, then delivers the Swerve Stomp and Hidden Blade for the win.

Winner: Will Ospreay

After the match, Strickland slowly gets inside the ring. Ospreay offers Strickland his hand as Prince Nana joins Strickland in the ring. Strickland opts not to shake Ospreay’s hand and gets in his face. He tells Ospreay he’s not strong enough to hold both the AEW World Championship and AEW International Championship, then looks to leave the ring. Ospreay grabs the AEW World Championship and puts it on his shoulder with the AEW International Championship slung on his other shoulder. Strickland then whispers a warning into Ospreay’s ear and leaves the ring with Nana. Strickland and Ospreay then stare one another down as the show goes off the air.

–– Here is the lineup for tonight’s show ––

  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Rey Fenix
  • TV Time with Chris Jericho, The Learning Tree, and Private Party
  • TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs Zeuxis
  • RUSH In action
  • AEW TNT Title Qualifying Match: Dustin Rhodes vs. Jack Perry
  • Swerve Strickland speaks
  • Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly & Mark Briscoe vs. Roderick Strong, Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takesh*ta

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6/12 AEW Dynamite Results

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6/12 AEW Dynamite Results (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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