The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)

i 1 I 1 i i If 1 1 -lilu NUMBER, 11347. Mr ('' .1 1 1 -1 i BUFFALO, ft IP A EVENING, NOVEMBER 4, 1864! i VOLUME XXX. a mamas- ase en mm mm i 1 'in ii in i 1 11 i i i OIL STORES. business Nomcm Plots Against Northern citlea. WHEELER.

MATTHEWS WARREM Offle No. 161 Mreet, (dm. -Ada. BuUtojt.) rtrsams axs raamnoM CS BUFFALO COMMERCIAL ADVERTI3EB The oldest dally paper in the elty delivered or sent by auul every svening (except Bandars) at $10.00 r- -amua xm aotajko. rpiil-WEZKLY COMMEBCIAL AOVKR-X nearly all the reading matter tf Ike ailj.

Baa a very Urge etrcolaUon bjr mail. $0.00 raa Ajnrmi ta abixmob. YltTTFALO PATRIOT AND JOURNAL 1 Th( nanar hkviiis a n-v aztenSlTB drCBlaUOB Is the towns ofthia and adjoining conntiea, ia a Medium of advertlmnz for mercnanoi ana oum wnc Wish to oommard tfee eoonUr trade. wytzjT, $1.00 rwmtwrux rji KaU of Aalrertiains; Made known at the Counting Boom, where all ocdei tnr the Newspapers, AdTerttseaenta, Printing of ever? kind, Ac, wfl be attended to. All eommnnleationa should be post-paid, and al-drsssed to the proprietors WH2ZL2B HATTRIWB WARKXH, StJTFAlO, T.

Commercial Avtvtbtx. FrtdMT JETenluc, November 4, 1864. LAST NIGHT'S DISPATCHES. Trlml of the New York Voting Agents WasHiJiOTOBr, Not. 3.

The trial of Col. Samuel North, the New York State Agent, and Lvi Cohen, and M. Jones, commenoed today before the United States Military Commission, of which General Doubled ay is President, land Colonel Foster Judze Advocate. Mew-rg. R.

H. Gillett and J. D. McPherson appear as counsel for the prisoners. The above aamed persons, together with Reeves and Schofield, are charged with con duct prejudicial to good order and military discipline, and of fraud toward the New York State eledtora that they forged the names ol officers and soldiers to what purported to be ballots of said soldiers, to be used at the ele; tlon to be held on Tuesday next.

They are also charged with falsely and fraudulently Issuing divers and sundry blank purporting to be signed by officers and soldiers in the military service of the United State authorising certain parties to cast their votes at the enduing ate and National election with intent to defraud the true electors of their legal rights. Mr. Gillet, one of the counsel for the prisoners, pleaded as to the jurisdiction i th court, arguing that the court had no jurisdiction first, over the parties; secondly, over the subject matter: thirdly, that the matter was not within the jurisdiction of the National Government; fourthly, that it was a subject on wntcn tne oovernment bad never legislated; fifthly, that there was no law of the Federal Government authorizing the jurisdiction of a military court for the trial of any one not ia the service of the United States. Mr. Gillatt argued that the Federal tribunals had not in any way or manner authorised the trial of persons by a Federal Court for crimes eommi ted against the law of any State or States.

It the aceussed had committed a crime it was only in violation of statute of the State of New York, and consequently the tribunals of the United States had no jurisdiction. If an offense had been committed it was against the laws of New York, and that same law prescribes the penalties and mode of trial and punishment. If an offense was committed in any other State again ft the law of the Statu of New York, under the extradition law, the party charged with the crime is liable to be taken to New York. If the parties here charged have not com- mltted a crime against the State of New Tork, it must appear affirmatively that the crime i one against the statute laws of the United States, as It has been decided (bat there can be no offense against the United States unless It is speedily made so by statute. It is not averred that the p.

isoners have committed an offense against the statutes of the United States. There are no common law offensea in the United States, and it expressly rules that what are common law offenses of England are not common law offenses against the United States. No offense such as these prisoners are charged with, has been created by statute of the United States, and consequently the tribunal has no jurisdiction. The courts then assume jurisdiction, for no power has been conferred upon it to try cases, and a man cannot be arraigned when tt is impossible to put your finger on a law designating the crime. What would be 'k the effect if this court assumed to execute the laws of the State of New VorkT Would an or a conviction stop the mouth or of Justice in New York? Will this or 1 itoy other tribunal assume to deprive New York of vindicating her own lavsf It matters 4ot what the decision may bere, the State Of New York demands the offender, if there is tale, and insists on receiving him.

It is the Justice of New York that must overtake these taen, if they have been guilty. If any other tribunal tries them, what is the measure of punishment for them In all laws there is a fixed punishment for their violation. But what is to be their punishment here? If there is no limit, then there is boundary beyond which the Court cannot go. There are in these matters grave conse-' both to the laws of the country and to the parties charged. It is a theory of all courts that have not a general jurisdiction, that before they can carry into effjct their findings they must make np tne records, and what law jean this Court cite giving them jurisdiction over this case! Will they assume it because it would have been a proper subject for legislation Mr.

Gillett then cited the cae of Court Martial ordered at Pnebla during the Mexican War, by an effloer named Hughes, and he was ifter wards mulcted in heavy damages in the district Court because the military court had Ho jurisdiction over the offence charged. The Counsel said he believed in all sincerity, that this court bad no jurisdiction over the case. If the parties charged with a crime, had been 'in the of the United States and had been subject to military orders, the txyirt would then have bad jaricdiation. Col. Foster, Judge Advocate, in reply, said, that if the last argument of Mr.

Gillett was true, then a military commission could not try i spy or a guerrilla, for they were not subject to the military orders of the United States. The right of trial by jury, was a right to whioh all claimed to be entitled, yet a guerrilla could not demand each a trial, nor could traitor demand to be jndicted in a court before a trial. In time of war, certain peace powers were necessarily suspended. Colonel Foster referred to the case of Val-landigham, and quoted largely from the decision of the U. S.

Supreme upon the application of Mi. Pugh for Yallandighaai'a release, to show that they recognized the fact hat, in urgent and peculiar cases, military 4orto had full powers and jurisdiction. In '41 these oases, the state and condition of the toaatry must be considered. It is charged the rights of the soldiers have been vio SEWINe MACHINES GE0VEB BAKER'O CKLKBBATKD, FIRST PBAMnJM Family Sewing i Machioes Important Fmete lfr Pmfclle. FIRST.I i rniLE MACHINES MANUFACTURED BT the Grover Baker Sewing Machine Company, have taken the PPtST PREMIUM at tha lata Wis Fairs held in' New York, New Jersey, DSvlvaaia.

Ohio. Indiana, Hanoi's Mlchlgn, Iowa. M-MotnrL Ke-iucky, Tennessee, Virginia, orth OaroluM, Alabama and Calllbrn-a. SECOND. 4 The work executed by the Orever A Bakar MaeMaes has received the FIRST PREMIUM at every Mate Fair In the United States where It has beea ex-irated THIRD, i Kiperienoe pre von that there are only twe vataaMe w'Dg mwnine ttti ukuvih STr nj MiU nil CJXU A 1 Oil 1 V1, DT I 'LOCK STITCH.

These stitchas have i trr-n cm iwii r. wiled their DPCUllar merits and exeellanciaa Furs noses the one stitch Is better adapted, and foe i purposes ibe other, and a selection thos Id always be made accordingly. FOURTH. Tbe Grovar A Baker s. M.

Co. manufacMreV fat addition to their celebrated faKOVKR A iirm STITCH machines, the most perfect UTILE or "LOCK STITcH" machines la the market, aad aflord purchasers the opportunity of selecting, after (rial ana examination of both, the one best suited to tWr wantx. Other companies manufacture bat wM of marblne each, and comtot offer thia opportunity of selection to their customers. i The Grover A Baker S. M.

Co. are Use only parti aa who manufacture and sell ma-hlce which both 8JtW PERFECTLY and EMBROIDER PERFECTLY. A pampblrt containing samples of both the Grovar A Baker Mitch and Shuttle Htltch In various fabrics, with full explanations, diagram, and lUustrationa, to enable purchaser to examine, test and wayai relative meriis, will be fumlaued, on reqneai.from oar afwi tbrestghout the country. Those wbo desire ta-cijines which do the best work, should not fall to Bead far this pamphlet, and tot and eompart these stitches for tteauatve. GROVER A BAKER'S SEWING MACHINE OOT-TON will be found superior to any In tha markmC II is made by tbe bee' European manufacturers, and pat np on spools of or 600 yards, tmprmly for the Grover A Baker- M.

Co. In consequence of exuaslve and timely Arrangementa With these maaufactarars, w. are able to sell this superior Cotton Mow Ouprim of oOur leading monv acturttt OROVER A BAKER'S SEWING MACHINB TWIST, long recogniced as tha bat la the atarkst, furnished in any quantliiea desired, at wholeMle or reta 1, at the lowest mar-et prices- Family Sewing Done to Order. GROVER A BAKSB M. nclf i Main street, Dnfl-le.


PHtlADELPHIA METROPOLITAN MECHANIC IN 8TTTIJTe7 WASH INGTON Ametlam butitvit, Sew Fork, rrpnrU WHEELER AND WILSON HEWING Minmil makes the 'Lock and ranks hlofeeat an aamont of the elasticity, permanence, beauty andreneral desv rableness of tbe stitching when done, and the wide ranire of its application." Valuable Improvements are introduced. OFFICE AND WAREROOM8 NO. SSI MAIM bl BET, CORNER OF SWAN. rvySta M. BILSBY, Ageat.


TUB STEWART PARLOR. THJB BEST STOYE DO NT FAIL TO LOOK AT THE STEWART PARLOR. The best as well ae the most beautiful PABLOH GOAL BURNER erar offered to the public The BEex rove Is tbe CliEAPEST. CeS tMo Hsec THE STBWAKT PARLOB sold by PARiriELE KELLOeti, ITS Main street se4 LUMBER! LUMBER I At Mosee Bmltli'e T-trd, the OJ4 Stead on Main and Washington streets, ss- tween Tappet and GoodjU streets. AM HAPPY TO INFORM ICY OLDi mends, as weu as ise rmui'c renerauy, that they UVD DO my Hard and now have ready for sale a vary rhotos aMortmeat Of well sea.

oned I amber, and la anlit sach aa fully ro stain the former rrpatanon of V' m- uaouBD-ieuk. mlj acsonmeni consuns OT XtflP00- ASIL HrCKOftY, BtAt'K WALNUT, BEECH. CHEERY, BIRCH, all their various thicknesses and tisoa Shaved, Sewed, aad Sut SHINGLES, LATH. Ae. Baftalo, 16.

1 ff i MoegS SMITH. CIASipiU HAW tT i "'J READY MADE CLOTHIIIO I JLiX Mala Street. amrttr wAm .3 jo.jci vvvi- ina a. TKNTION of tbe poblU generally to Us terre osocboi neauy saw vm-uk, wuusa win nesoisoac wii a very low prioa. rntire stock wlfl he solAee wishes to give ap the Heady MadeOtotMng kwt-'' altorr, ii order to devote kia w-ola attsatiom tba CUtmjlt TRADBL which will be fewmd ofmrA all its branches.

GanMBte waccaata tet ssml 'uif la tbea-tat fasbieeaMe style His stock of rDBNISUNG GOeOft ML WtS found equal to any the city; ,77 AU nartisa wsh1-s ta iiunli-s- Siinv vim CIOTHL5G, will and 6 grettly to their adv-nam to I J1 kVl aewveaa. i 1 Wri-' il auHwa. 'far llsl''j sawed at Any of the mills in the smrromndia, Caah at Hberal rstea. i HEW GOODS RECEIVED REDUCED PRICES, Stock Marked Down to Correspond WHOLESALE AND i Retail Bonnet are-Itooius, ROS. 80 AND 33 SENECA STREET, NEXT DOvB TO POST OFFICE.


FURNITURE FOR EVERYBODY, i LOWEST CASH PRICES, To Suit tbe Times I A VERY LARQB ASSORTMBNTxOF Farnitare, Chairs, Upholstery Goods, ON HAND. i FUBNITCRE MADE TO Aad MEP AIRING, BuXING, Ac, in the best manner. ISAAC D. WHITE, Nr 901 and 903 stredt. Grovernment Securities OF ALL KINDS.

CANADA MONEY; GOLD AND SILVER, WGHT AND SOLD, at the Banking Office of H. SMITH. No. 9 East Sanoea 'rv4. S.

HENRY RUNCIE, MAjrOTJbOTtrBjia, Wrolssau ajtd Rmtad. CllLfli a NO. S44 ALAIN STREET. Trunks of all kinds made to order. KRPATKING dor.e on shtrt notice.

rjrv 8300 BOUNTY 8300 Will be paid to every kan who enlists at the Regular Army Rendezvous, 85 main Street, t3T HtJrrs HOTEL IIUII.DLUO where particulars will be given. TBRM Or aSRYWBTHRKS YEA.R8. J. L. Captain TJ.

S. Army, Recruiting Officer! Buffalo, N. July 2B, 184. i MILLINERY AND STRAW GCODS FOB SPRING TRADE JAMES WRIGHT. 365 Main Street, Buffalo, TO THE ATTENTTflW niT end Retail Buyers, full and cirmplete BONNETS, RIBBOKP, 8II.KJ8, LADLES', BLISSKS AND CHI UNtElC BATS, FRENCH rLOWEBS, ENGLISH CRAPES, REAL OUIPCHE AND THREXlk LA CES, COR8KT8, SHAKER HOODS, 4Vc, wmoB wm, bk Sold at the Lowest Karket Prices) aplfi I 5,000 Boxes Window Glass A880BTED SIZES.

ALSO, Plate Glass for Stores and Dwellings, AT LESS THAN EASTERN FR1CSS. For sale by REYNOLDS A CO .156 and VTt Main street. felfi-ly 169 MAIN STREET. 169 H. STILLM AN CO.

Fall and Winter WHOLESALE TRADE HATS! CAPS! URS! WE ARE NOW PREPARED, WITH THE LABGBST AND K(MT ASSORTMBN ever held in this City. As our; SOFT HATS come directly from the Factories, and OUT FURS are of oar own make, we are able to offer Goods to the Trade, fully as Low as the Hew York Jobbers. The highest price paid for RAW FTJP8. an81 TffTTJ.AR PLIMPTON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, B-aijras ruwi ajtd rnuaro Wool, Hides and Leatlier, CALF SKINS. SHEEP PELTS, TANNER'S OIL, ETC.

7 AND 8 QUAY BUFFALO, N. Corner Washington street. CJP" Advances made on Qii-ii' Kiveu wiicn nxjunn A P. Millar, Gio Plttoi. Late of Welch A Millar.


FOR ALL CURABLE DIS- WASES. is mow located at Si WEST SENECA srrJtl. lrovroeri lata at No. Park ameas basore. healina aedicimea.

NoannricdoDertkjriahtrf- formed, have been (n Buffalo three and a half veara, darings which time I have parformed thousands cares ansny with lt one treatment. Call and pro core a drealar Prlc of treatment at Otnco, frea On Three Dollars vjaits Twe to Five DoUans Coneoltaiioa free. OOlce hoors front 7 to 9 A. M-, aiA 1 to F. M.

aiwl Brraalo, NoUee. myjnm. iHIfl UI. The on iiiisiiialfiilly state that ha islksou Mat Offim 11H arin ttmes to sacesaaCnUy proaecataaA eiaiaai iatteabeee "POLITICAL PARTIES AND DEALERS cam ted Flare, wi'h eandidatas Fire Worhs, Bedos Medata, PtDa, SMaea. AAggeBsaasae--ta rapa Trwike, Carpet Valises, Jf Bags lSflll JStc.

Ma e-etlaed Water sent to any a dress, with dSree. tlona for naa- The hast rewuidi for BUnous and In-flsmraatriry elseases, ever used. Prico CO aenta eat faetUa. Cam he had only st mv Office aa vrSTaLZZ At np Ea; jTH. at he mosa ta im aat her, A Unions founder, Forest avenue.

Volk Valentine, teamster, Ferry st, Valentine Fourteenth st Wheeler John H. Walsh Jas Connectlcnt, Thirteenth. White Nicholas. WeiiatAdt Wm. ra fitter, Vermont st WelUtedt Arthur, mechanic, Rhode Island street.

Welsh James, teamster. Connection! st Wilson Peter, laborer, Poaley place. Weisal Fred'k, laborer, Ferry Warner Christian, butcher, Fifteenth near Connecticut st White Rob't laborer, North st Zaick Stephen, rope maker, -Vermont st. TWELFTH WARD. Baer George, miller, East st Beller George, farmer.

Main st Bloy teamster, Main st Bronson Anthony, Blossom st Baer Jobn Bowman's plank read. Crowin Wm. Chick George. Croasken Barney. Niagara st Crowin John.

Crysler clerk, Niagara st Cronan laborer, Niagara st Cronan John, laborer, Niagara st Driscoll Chas. Fee Dearborn st Groof JohD. Niagara st. Geiger Anthony, Dearborn st. Graff Christian, Farmer and East st Gaubeig Jacob.

Grossman Hamilton st Holt Fred laborer. Hoitz Fred'k. Knotel Dearborn and Amherst st Klein Joseph, between Niagara; and Dear born st Kay Henry, Niagara st. Kerchmoyer Philip, Bowman's Plank Road. Lanon James.

Lohmann Herman, East st Laman East st Leeman engineer. Miller foundry. Moss Lewis, boilermaker. Moulin Isadore. Moore Wm.

East st Manger Martin, Tonawanda st. Mason Eyra under 18. Male Thomas, Delaware st Niendorf Niagara opposite Close's shop. Oergel Godfried. Ogrien Freak, East st.

Phillips James, ropemaker, Niagara st. Kiddle Martin, laborer. Ramstein Joseph, Amherst st Rankin Hugh. Hamilton, at, 17 years. Ross Henry, East st Scbloth John Fanner st.

'Senion John Amherst at Smith Bennett, East st Scbem Bartholomew, Austin and Bast st. Her Joseph, Main st Schruelz Finzens, Austin and last Stein Carl, Tonawanda st Scblvetter Daman, Tonawanda st Smith John, Tonawanda st- Smith Henry. Stanausr Hm carpenter, Dearborn st. Schute Jacob, laborer, East st Templer Lewis, miller, Thompson st. Tarker Joseph, Niagara st.

Trukrees Jacob, Amherst st Taylor William, Main at Weep Phillip, Bird sf. Williams Mathew, Niagara st. Weiss William. Delaware st Wadron Joseph, East st. Whitman John, laborer, Walden st THIRTEENTH WARD.

Busch Carl. Broon Joseph. Connelly Patrick. Cary Rody. Farrell Patrick, laborer, Ueioa Town.

11 ass Carl. Hague Joseph. Johuston Owen, laborer, Union Town. Lippman Frederick, W. C.

Plank Road. Maplestone Cbarlas. McMickle John, laborer. Union Town. Petch W.

C. Plank Road. Rose August, butcher, Seneca. Rose Adolph. Smith laborer, Union Town.

Schulet Frederick. Schulet Christopher. Wege Henry. PIANOS! PIANOS WK HAVE RKCBIVED OCR fall stock of Flanoe, and are now pra- uared to offer VEKY 8TJP8RIOB In ducemente to purchasers. We have the laxgeat stock ol NEW INSTIttlMENTS In the cltj, and CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD.

Oar usurtmeni of Raven Sc Bacon's Pianos, complete. the prices of which have not advanced at all In proportion to the advance other sratlaaa iianoe. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. HEDGE 388 Wain street, oris 8t -tames Block REILLY'S BAZAAR No. 228 Main Street.

OTIOE PURSUANT TO THE I'RO- 1.1 VISIONS of an act of the Letfislatnre of the State of New lore, entitled. "An act authorizing the Commissioners of the Land Office to conveT certain lands to the City of Buffalo and to the Charity Foundation of the 1'ro tmt Eniiconal Church in the City of Buf falo," passed April id, 1864, and of a resolution of the Board Manogerg of The Chartty Foundation of tne t-rotentant episcopal utrnrcn in tne city oi sunaio, no'ice is Iven that the said The Charity Foundation of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of Buffalo, intends to enter into the possession of the lands granted to it by the said act, and to remove therefrom tbe remains of those whose friends sha'l not aove them within four years from the date of tuis notice. Trie lands so granted are all that part lying north of North street, of that certain piece or parcel of land in the City of Booalo, which naa been appropriated by the (commissioners of the Land Office and used as a public cemetery, and which Is known as block number eighty eight, in the south Tillage of Black Rock, as surveyed oy Lemnel Foete in eighteen hundred and six een, and described on the field book and map of said lands, filed in the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and which Is also known as block number eighty seven and eighty-eight, in the riouth village of Black Rock, as laid down and described on maps of said village, made by Simeon De Witt, in eighteen hundred and twenty -seven, and now on file in the office of the Secretary of State. Dated-Buffalo, September 9th, A 1864. GEO.

W. CLINTON, President of The Charity Foundation. Ac Jakbs IS Ford. Secretary. nitnol7dc SUPREME COURT THE ERIE COUNTY Pavincs Bank, plaintiff against John Nanno and Barbara Nanno his wila Maudalena Nanno.

Thomas Harrison and Miry ijarnsou his wire, ca hurlne Man- isoa and Miry 'jari no Ann an uu, mtirpurci rtcuiuci, dwdvi xiaano, Francis Nanno, Andrew Nanno, Magdaleny Nanno, and Henry J. Nanno, defendants. (U. a. SO cent Internal Kevenne Sump.

To the defendants abo fl named: Yon are nereoy summonea to answer tne complaint In this action, and serve a copy of year answer on as, nnr office in the City of Buffalo, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service: and if you fail to answer the complaint aforesaid, tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the rQUtil UCIIMIIUW oaiu IflUUi W1UJII.III, will be filed in the Office of the Clerk. of tha County of Brie. Dated Marcn iom. bl'KA -JUR FILLMORE, flaiataff's Attorneys. Tie above mentioned compUint was filed In Erie County Clerk'sClince, on the on me istn aar or aiarcn, una.

bPRAGUB FILLMORE, ocTttaolSf Plain' iff 's Attorneys. SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF ERIE Roaa Sprinsman against Anton 8prtngnan- Re venae Stomp 60 centa, Ac, Ac Kept. 21st, 1864.) Ta the defendant: You arc hereby summoned to answer tbe complaint of tbe plaintiff, Bosa Springmaa, which was filed ta the Office of the Clerk of Countjt, New York, en the Slot day of September, 1864, ana to serve a copy of your answer on us, at eur office in the City ef Buffalo, new iota, witnin iwcraiy naya alter we service this summons, exclusive of th day of service, or the plaintln wm appty to ine umn tor ue In the compUint. Kept Slat, HOPaUNS A fiALnST.

set3iui4f Plaintiff's Attormeya, Buffalo. N. OnPERIOR COURT OP BUFFALO RJS-DlaiatiflV aniitt lortah isj GIN A m.B Ar FJNX tt, plalatiir, against Judil. Jacob Judd, GeorgaJadd, Frsneu Troll, Francis Troll, Jr Sabastiaa Troll. Cnarles Troll, Jacob Troll, Catharine Trail, Julia Troll, XUsabetA Troll, Jacob Schaffner, executor of the last will and testament of Georfe Judd, deceased; George A Werla, George A Warle.

Charles A Warte, Francis Michael Werla, Joseph William Werla, Jobs Peter Warle, Maria C. Hal bach, admlaistrattix of all aad singular to estate of George Heibaeh, deceased; Fraav asTZeita, Andrew Helta, and Joha Labankam, do-feoaants. Wceat Int. Bov. Stamp, eaacaUed.

the defendanta above naated nr, an' hereby summoned to answer tha oaanlalnC fa this action, aad strrt a cwy of your answer oa aao, at omos ia we mj uw wiuu i wmii oaya 1 after the service hereof, exclusive of too day of saee service; and tt yoe fail ta. aoewer the complaint aa aforesaid, tbe plaintiff will apply to the conn for the reiiaf dMiaeded ia tha rid complaint; wide eeaa-plaint was filed the office of tee Oerk ofihe 8aps Her Coarvef Buffalo, at said city, oa she Bd day of l.u au Jnl 2- W54. 1 ry wm. h. ausmt, Plaintiff's Atteraey.

Beffalo; jpctHtdeltf TI.IT4UY T8 PKEa A AT1UJI SiX. Bworda, Basses, Beits, 8aoolder Btrsps, Havsss sacks. Pistols of Smith A Wessoa's, (etaat, Flats, ete. Fall Unot BaUoaw, for Araay and Navywt Naw York price, at cll AAJfNTJM'a. 7 a a OILS Improved Engine Oil, IHPROVED SIGNAL OIL, Premium Sewiuj Machiiie Oil, WINTER LARD OIL, "PEASE'S PATENT PAINT OIL," GBKlisM and American LINSEED OIL.


PEASE, Oil Banofactorer, 61 and 68 Hatn St, HOTEL CANDLES Best made, in quantities to suit pur- ADAMANTTNB CANDLES All sizes. PABAFDXE CANDLES. F. 8. PEASE, Oil Manufacturer, myl8 SI and Main street.



GENT'S CLOTH HATH, ATB. GENT'S CLOTH CAPS Tn all styles. BOYS' SOFT AND CLOTH HATS BOYS' CAPS For Fall and Winter wear Also, a One stock of Oent't Fctrnlsblns Goods. Meh we shall offer at the VERY LOWBHT HATES FURS. FURS, FURS.

opened a complete stock of Furs, eon "AKIi MtK, EHatrNB. fitch, With fnll aaa ran I i TTtt r.TmT.n JLi.Tt FtTBB MADE AND ALTERED short ltloa. 4k KLOTE, seBO 1 Maa street PIANOS! PIArJOS! William Unabe BALTIMOaae, HE BTAXDVAOCSBBBS OF Gold Medal Grand and Square iiasrosi TniTHsTtln larwssama CHALK, STBAKOSCH, O- 8. taVtat ia the conn try. warranted for FTVTS YEABA WILLIAM KNABB OO, apltts FOGG'S rATEXT Lover Snckle, AITEnS SHCES.

TMa HmmU la UttVLini I iimp. (requlrea no sole paached la te Strap.) sad Is the arscl iimaintortM pKaof twe styles, id I will na PEARL BTE XT, 1TBTW YORK, aad tf KBLSY atTBAST, BOSTON, MAbaV 11 1 Hrll BKmaWaBBBl pq of to JL Western New Tork Patent Agener, JW-aMMWaji OFFICE LH BTTTFAXO. Ho. HoIHeter BaildlRf. corner of Mala sad Hoaeca sttestaaaid ra BUCaxS-TES, N.

Y. anttl jTVaABEB CO. WIIAIAW SSOKT, Prodnce, Commissioii and Fonrardins MZBCHANT, Oeatral Wharf amal Priaae Streot, WlUiame' Sew Block. ACENT BUFFALO AMD ITHACA LINE myatt hears HALBET'B Oonalgneea, Ithaca. MK MtJLAWCWaKn COS (kimmiwion ZleTGhantn, General FLOTJB, QBAat, FBOVIHIUKa, BEANS, 8EJED8, No.

IT Osnaral Wharf, Baffalo, N. V. QanBsssoss tolAvmgstoa HMnehsrd.) L. F. Boages A Com mission surenaats, suiwanaea.

Minis, a. I livmgstoa Jk Commission Merchanta, (Jhicago, Orwnmlsmtm Merchanta, Mew York; Fsnaors' and Mechanics' Bank. Baffluo, tnnaio, ft- x. apie 161 BIAIN STILEET 1U Book Bindery, Printing Office, rocsjnr book manufactory. And BLANK BOOK.

8TATIONXBY and FAFXB WAKKHOOax, Nee. 11 and 16S main Street. ap at. JOHNSOK. ISAAC HOIXOWAT, maun a If edina and Lockport Sand Stone, FLAGGING, CUBBING, PLATFORMS, Door, and Window Cape and Mile, Stops.

Or OFFICE AND Michigan street and Main and Hamburgh Canal. mvSOtf-ltt WIXXXAM LaVEHAUK, watxaAui muiuti i Grroceriea, Drags, Medicine, ft Oils, mm WUUDB, DTK aTtTFFS, WINDOW SLAae. HO. SOS WASHINGTON bTBEEI, Firsi baUdlax below Seneca street, BafiUo. CHBQTTBBKD stors.

ISAAC COHEN, M. GBKMAjN I'HYHICTAN, OFTKES HIS serttoeMo the people of Bafialo and vicinity, and Mill render aallafacuoa to all who may favor him with a call Office No. 438 Bllehlsjan Street. ty Particular attention naid to Bheomatlam and Diseases of Females and Children. OFFICE HOURS 8 to 11 A M-.

1 to 8 P. M-. 7 to 10 P. mvSltao CLARK AOSS, Conveyancer and Notary Public, DEEDS. BONDS aad MORTGAGES drawn with neatness and dispatch, at ONE-HALF the asnal tees.

jupr una in ice vfjuv rver nujLkdj- CHARD Sc Forwarding, Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, Of flee tS Central Wharf, Buffalo. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN MENTS. WK HAVE LATELY PURCHASED and added to our Line TEN FIRST CLASS CA HAL BOATS, and have now tha facilities of offerine every inducement to Shippers for the Transportation of Produce from Buffalo to New York, and all points on tbe Brie and Lateral Canals. selOU FOR SALE AND TO RENT. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE.

THE. SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale eome of the finest Building Lots in the City at Buffalo, (in size to suit rnr chasers, i located uu the following streets: Main, North Pearl, Park, Nbrth William, Mariner and College streets. Title panecv renns noerai. umce comer suun. and least tiwan streets.

Bafialo, August 18, 18H4. aultftf A. MxBCH. FARM FOB SALE. THE FARM, SITUATED ON THE brow of the mountain, near Lewiston, Niagara county, NT, six milus north of Niagara Falls.

ia offered for aale. It consists of Two Hundred and Sighty Acres of Land, la well Improved, eood trail lings, good fences, and under a good slate of cnltiva- oon. lias targe young apple, pear, and peach orchards of healthy growing trees, with an abundance jf timber land for the use of the farm. For price and apply to J. C.

A B. EVANS. anlTtf Buffalo, N. X. For Sale.

A LOT ON NORTH SIDE ALLEN street, 8 feet West of Park street TO by 100 feet. wiun mTiuea aeairea ana aoia low ana on terms, jsnqaueoi jas. it. A tui a ft, yatt mi auan street. FABM FOB SALE.

fS TOR SALE, A FARM OF SEVEN- Hcflmiu 'taeet road. For further particulars apply to HOMBB Cneektowaga, or to TttOMAS J. SIZBB, Mt. 7 Court street, Buffalo. lel4ttdelatuth For Sale.

worm STORY BRICK STORE ON Mats street, above Kxchanee street. In the I Uouteulx Block A nrst class dwelling house on Delaware street. Has aa, hot and cold nrnace, and all the modern ana a orica tarn. lao several pieces of very desirable, improved bass property, centrally louated. A story and a half wooden dwelling house, and a number or low-priced ooant lots.

Inquire of ajpBtf O. COTTLE, 190X Main street. To Kent. TWO GOOD OFFICES NEAR THE with Desks, Vaults, Ac Terms moderate aulre or K. F.

DORR. 43tf Custom House Buildings. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Elegible property In Chicago, alo in and about Jincinnati. consisting of Farms. Houses and ibi, and soma Vacant Lots, all of which would make By Frank Skinner gy SPLENDID FARM FOB SALE, OF VVW 817 acres, near Chautauqua Lake, with a fine large Dwelling and two tenement Houses, a ii.

Horse Bars, and four or five other Bams The land is splendidly laid oat aad well watered, and ia one of the finest dairy farms in the State, for which purpose It is used at present. Aimly to SKINNER, Real Batate and Life Insurance Agent, TU Lloyd street, comer Main. calA FOR RENT THE FIRST AND Second Floor a three story Brick Building on Michigan street near Batavia. The first floor ia aod up aa a Store. A capi at stand for a Grocery or Bakery.

PICamrJNQ A OTTO, 87 Pearl street BRICK. DWELLING AND FURNITURE FOB HALE The desirable two story Brick Dwelling. No- llx Eagle street, vast of uicuigan. LotsuxUM The dwelling is supplied with frna and water, and in complete repair. The Farnitare ateo offered for aale at a low figure, as the owner In tends leaving the city oi or about December 1st, at wbich time possession of the premises will be given.

This is one of the most desirable dwellings eaat of Maim street. oc3 LYON tt BAKER, Brie Land Office FOB SALE THE LARGE FOUR story Brick Building oa Niagara atrtet, formerly occupied try Tomer Brothers, for the manufacture of wines, cordiols, Ac This is one of the most substantial buildings in the city, and well calculated for almost any kind of manufacturing buainejs. being eigb.y feet front and about ixty feet en. Lot rnns back to a paved alley, with Barns and Sheds. In good repair.

Apply to HUME A SAN FORD, oc-M 196 Main street FOB SALE HOUSE AND LOT. NO. 48 Pearl street. The Lot Mis feet front, by 100 feet deep aj-o, a fine Building Lot on Seventh street, between York and Connecticut, 107 feet front by 26 feet deep, througu lo Sixth street and between two Paika. nol PICKEHLNQ A OTTO.

87 Pearl st. RESIDENCE FOB SALE AT BA-yia A fine two story substantially built Frame House with Wins- Finished in the beat stvle and nearly new, with tfi acres of fine garden land and orchard of choice bearing fruit trees of every kind. shade and an ent Barn on a stone founda- tlon. IS offered for aale on reasonable terms. Apply oclO M.

P1WMRK, M8 Mam at COTTAGE FOB SALE AT BATA VIA A one and a half story Frame Cottage, well finished and la fine order, with 1 acres of lotiu, rruit and ansae trees, aad a good Barn, for aale low. Apply to pclO PINNER, 838 Main street SFABK FOB SALE A FARM OF Ten acr-a, with a IX story Frame Cottage and Wing, good Barm, wail fenced, at West Batavia, Genesee county. Will be sold low. For terms apply oclO M. PINNER, 138 Mala street.

WANTED TX)R SERVICE IN THE QUARTER-NT at Mmshvilla. nhat. MASTER'S DEPARTMENT taaoegs aad Johnsoaville, Twin eases: AtlMtm, Georgia; LruvaU 's Bluff aad LUtla Bock, ArkaasaaTaad at other points: ,00 TEAMSTERS $40 FEB MONTH. SAO LABORERS 45 FEB MONTH. l.SOi) TRACK BO PBB MONTH.

WOOD CHOPPERS SO PEB MONTH. AND RATIONS. Traacportatloa Free to place of rtssftnittsa. Far irther tafonaatioa enquire of farther AsOuOQH HOWELL, Qovemmant Agents, Wo. 1 Pearl at.

drnoS PAPER WAREEOUaE, as stnet. GOOD ASSOttTHEST OF PAPL i iAMS XTUITUING tN ODS LINX. OTW MoCOLLfM, strl IU, WOQTtBPFF. i DCAtESS CUitliO. pEAFSS HXBETOFORK mtOXTS tna i now athea, aasnanHH wtth aalaeeeaeserof any tntanoua wmaaniisaeie adapUd to eoresof old peoe tr: aardoaiarrv idersoT meavabia.

asd thaws waasa ta slcaratedthjstsas.issi, sreies Sieaa. Ae.tasnilaa- aruadal eraa aea sswibiss, aasworinia staaUai urooaaae awttauai aaamaom Mas of the orisiaal. OFriCB-74 Main street. KJilUDXNCaV-JJl Pearl i New Yokk. Nov.

3 The Commercial's Washington dispatch says The information of plots to destroy Northern cities, comes to tne state Department from offl ciai sources in me provinces. The authorities of the various cities have made ample preparations against the raids. Commanders of federal troops, it is report- ea, nave instructions to inflict summary iiun ishment. Some say if pursuit is made into Cunada, it will be overlooked by the author! ues. Fleet Rennock, commanding the Mississippi Squadron, reports that base frauds have been perpetrated in ballots of sailors by election agents.

OODBNSBtJRO, NOV. 2. A large numrer of armed men are on the is land above and below this place. Many stran gers have been in town all day. A raid on the town is feared.

Business has been suspended. Everybody is arming. A tug has gone to reconnoiter. Three men have been arrested for firing in the streets. Men and arms have been sent for.

Pirates. Nov. 3. A rumor has been received here by pilots that the pirate Tallahassee came into Delaware breakwater, this morning, and destroyed sev eral vessels at anchor. No confirmation has yet been received.

The report of the depredations of a pirate vessel in Delaware Bay comes tnrough pilots who have arrived from New Orleans. They say a report was brought there that pirate bbip came in this morning and destroy ed ice pilot boat Conner, a Government buo ir.g schooner and other vesnels, and after at oh landed and robbed the people of Lewes, Dela ware, of a large quantity of property. The report is not generally credited here, especially aa the 4 clock Gape Hay train brings no confirmation of it LIST OF ALIENS IK THE CITY OF BUFFALO. we conclude today the publication or a list of those persons wbo claimed to be aliens when their names were enrolled under the En rollment Act, preparatory to the Draft, in this city. ELEVENTH WARD Asfaur Robert, founder, Forest Avenue.

Andrews Robert 14th st Bradley Henry, gas Utter, Vermont gt. Bywater joiner, 12th st. Brlston Hurl, teamster, Auburn st. Bigetty Hugh, rope maker, Forest Avenue. Barnes joiner, Bouck Avenue.

Boh an James, laborer, Forest Avenue. Barker John, Niagara st. Brown James. Baqnes William, Delevan Avenue. Borch Henry.

North st. Barton Charles, Niagara st, Brnater William, 12th e'. Coppins John, painter, Vermont st Curtis Charles, laborer, Porter st. Collarton Thomas lawyer, n. Washing ton st Collins Michael, machinist, 6th st co*ck John, laborer, Delaware st Casper Anthony, farmer, Delaware st.

Ciarris John coachman, Delaware Et. Collins James, founder, Forest Avenue. ClufT Wm nailer, Niagara st Collinge William. Cbadwick. Collins Robert, Niagara sL Casper Anthony, cor.

Delaware and creek. Craig John, wagoner, Niagara st. Conkling Albert, teamster, Niagara st. CuanUer Edward, gardner, Delaware st Ceopaman Francis priest. North st Costello.

on lake, 12th and Massachusetts. Caddo Isaac, bricklayer. Forest Avenue. Daly Michael, engineer, 6th st Dor.ohue James, laborer, n. Washington, st Dailey Michael, water-works.

Decervos John, Forest Avenue. Dyer Henry. Dili ram Louis. Deyers Henry, founder, Foregt Avenue. Fitch Wm.

clerk. 9th. Fitzgerald Wm. laborer, Main. Falls John, laborer.

Ferry Falkner George, laborer, Bryant. Fletcher Thomas, Delaware. Fleming James. Fitterer John, Utlca. Fantom John, Forest Avenue.

Gavin Andrew, priest, North. Gardner Wm. on lake, 10th. Gibson William. Gardiner Wm.

North. Gilson Mathew. Gaul Massachusetts. Hill Win. gardner, Utica.

Hill Andrew, terry, Farmer. Harney M. J. laborer, 7th. Hertt Isaac, blacksmiili, Niagara.

Harly George, blacksmith, Niagara. Halvey John, laborer, Sandytown. Hickey Hugh, laborer, Sandytown, Holmes Emanuel, gardner, Connecticut. Huston Wm. agent, 10th.

Henry Patrick, founder, Forrest Avenue. Helphien Joseph. Hassam Robt Halvey John, Fort Holmes Henry. Hutchinson John. Hatler Alexander, Del.

eor. Summer st. Jamison Samuel, coachman, Summer st. Johnson Geo. saloon keeper, Niagara st.

Johnson Frank, miller, Niagara st. Kara Patrick, coachman. North st. Kent Geo, miller, Ferry st Kent Authur, clerk, 14th near Jersey st Kilberg John, trunkmaker, Niagara st Kane Cornelius, laborer. Kennedy Joan, Niagara st.

Kail 'rarer John. Kent Geo. Main st Kalis Richard, Niagara st. Lies John, butcher, 6th st. LuhBtan Wm.

founder, th near Connecticut Lane Bartholemew, laborer, 12th st. Le Page Frank, carpenter, 12th st. Leek William, plasterer, 14th near Massachusetts st. Love James B. printer, 13th st.

Love John W. storekeeper. 13th st Ludlow Ebeneser, clerk, Niagara st. Lovell Geo. peddler, Niagara st.

Lolly John. Lathbury Geo. E. 14th st Las, John, 6th near Fort Porter McKrie Doauis, laborer, Mann st. McDuff Thomas, boatman, Bouck Murphey Michael, laborer Delawaie st Milley James, laborer, Delaware st Miller Chas.Tbunder, Vermont st Mehan Patrick, ropemaker, Pooley Place.

Millard Thomas, repemaker, Niagara st. Martin Francis, icepedler Niagara st Miller John, milkman, Niagara st. Mabins Edward, shoemaker, Niagara st. Macker Cbas. laborer, North at.

McBirney John, melodeon maker, Connecticut st Morgan Wm. founder, N. Washington sf. McFigue Patrick. Morger Charles.

Martin Francis. Morris John F. Newbrook George, merchant, 14th near Jersey st Neilson Cbas. ropemaker, Niagara st. Nugent Martin, laborer.

Norton Jobn LI. laborer, N. Washington st Neisbeck Peter. O'Connell "James, teamster, Niagara st Oburn Edward, engraver, Niagara st Olver John, earfjenter, Rhode Island st Owen Thomas, laborer, Pooley Place. Oswald Frederick, Ferry st.

P. rter Wm. gardner, Summer st Porter Wm. gardner, North st Powels Wm. A.

Niagara st Page Frank R. Reea Thomas, tin dealer. 10th st Robinson John, founder, Forest Ave. Rooth James L. 10th near Mass.

Shaffer laborer, Main st. awyer, Forest avenue. Stratford Alfcpd, carpenter, Forest avenue. Simpson founder, Forest avenue. 5om.trli,Jobn' mUlr.

Niagara st Smith Edwin, founder, Canal. Shay Jerry, laborer, Sandytown. a hni 1borer. 13 n. Massachusetts st Connecticut st.

Servos John, Forest avenue. Sweet Julius. Smith Jos. Schaffer Delaware North. Tower Henry, laborer, Delaware st.

Thomas JEaaoch, farmer, Boack st tuck Moses, painter, Rhode Island st Thorn John, watchman, New Hampshire at Townley Alfred editor. Ninth st Taylor Lewis, founder, a Washington st Tracy Janaea, grocer, Niagara, at Thorn Morgan, founder, Washington st 'r Tallsmaa Edward, fishersaaar Niagara st Towriley Jas. Niath s. Tllson Mathew, fonnder, Forest avenue. Thomas a Washington si EHDUCTI0N PRICES tSHERMAH BARNES, If 0.205 main Street, la esnseqaence of the late oedlne Gold, have BOOT TBELB EJKT1KS STOCK OF M' -mt Dry Goods, Carpets, TWENTT-Fl FIFTY Eii OEJSTT LE88 THAN FORMER PRICES, A LARGE POBTION ef which haa at Anctloa and LATE PANIC HALES the BAST- iuui MAKttK ra, which they are now oSeriog Less Than the Cost of Importation Among which may be foead SiKJ pieces CHOICE PKBNOH MEBtNOES $1 So Former price 00.

pieces CHOICE FRENCH MBBXNwXS 2 00 Former price $3 00. SU0 pieces CHOTCB FRENCH $3 00 Former price $3 SO. 100 pieces EMPRESS CLOTHS $1 Former price S3 00. 300 pieces EMPRESS CLOTHS $3 SO Former price $8 to. 109 pieces EMPRESS CLOTHS S3 SO Former price 3 60.

1,000 pieces SAXONT VALENCIA.8 00c Former price 75c. TOO pieces FOIL DE CHEVEBS TSc Former price $1 00. 30 cases PARAMATTAS 44c Former price 87 Xc. 808 doaan LADIES' KID GLOVES SI SO Farmer price $2 SO. RICH DRESS SILKS Xerrimae and Cocheco Prints, BLEACHED AJfD BROWN COTTONS, Damask and Irish Linens, BALMORAL SKIRTS, Cloth and Cassimeres, PAISLEY AND BROCHA SHAWLS.

Plaid Woolen 81iawls, BLANKETS AND Ladies' Cloth Cloaks, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, And All Other Goods, AT PRICE LN CURRENCY MUCH BELOW GOLD VALUE nTTTynaa- -r SHERMAN BARNES, Io. HQS main Street. ocll KL Bf 5 3 5 ui a tz a H3 5 2 sr 3 a Zi El 5 a 5 rrs. to 5 2, 3 3 iSTa us- rjn (t trfl ta sr cr g2 0 CO a re ia. Slop 3 5 71 30 Off rr If Hi PI PI 71 Pi SO 5 SS 0 (5 re g-Oi 1 2 a P3 Pi Br 2 IS" E2 T.

"re re ST -5 3 S-O a 1 3" Z9 el a b3 3 0 5" tr r-O a "1 0) -3 E.ft-rev, 5 3 1 IJ ZL aS-r -2 J1 -5 a Established in 1 841. DR. LAKE'S OFFICE. COB. COMMERCIAL AND CANAL 8TS-, In the New Commercial Block, Up Stsirs, BUFFALO.

DR. J. Q. LAKE'S EXPERI-eare of 37 years ia caaes of VBNEBB-AL nature, in its varlona forms, will prove beneficial to those suffering from sack DISEASES, and from his practical knowledge of every symptom, con sequent on, o' arising from badly coral cases of VENB HEAL complaint he wonld caution all havinr snemdarv sympt jma remalntaLz, to be at once cured properly, be fore it has nndcrminao tha eoamitntion. broken down tba health and destroyed the inteUectiral faculties.

LOOK TO YOOB CASE IN TIME. MY TERMS ARB BE A SONABLB. Traveller's at a mo-aaent'a nodoa. Cjr AW. Lake's Office Is so arranged that one pattest wlir iaover come ia contact with another.

N. All eoarannicatioBs to Dr. J. Q. lake, will ae promptly siteedod to, by enclosing a reasonable fee.

Addroas (poet paid) Box 1576. Private coasqRatton from SAM, to 10 P. M. lew HesaoTaA. MLABK A STORMS HA YE BEMOV ED TO their NEW STORE, NO 193 BfJUBf aTFatJEETi sad save MO OONNECTION WHATEVXB witk tie lUiasa bow emrd rm at xhtr Old HtA HOSTETTEIl'S BITTERS.

BEING WHOLES ALE AGENTS IN THIS CUT for the above eeleeratea Bittara, we are pupated to seU them at the Maaufaetorer'. Lowesr Prloa. ePXSCXS 4k BuTLLYMORB, sastsidaf 1 No.U jnpHjE ECONOMIST OAL SIFTER AT WL- i a AKMELXX A I- IT rtHLLDBiN'd GlGd AND CAKhLaI SUOoaagBiMUon, of aUpcicea, ap to $50 each, St LIAEKED I is to to A lated, and aa they are in the field, and not in a Btatehere there are recognised courts of liawy Jlitary tribunals are the proper ones to akf of the matter. The District of Co-fnnibiaJias been considered as in the field. The parties charged with crime here are also Considered as ia the field, and consequently, Assamlng the fact that soldiers in the field bad beea defrauded, and by parties also la the gld, they were amenable to answer to a mill- tary ooart, as the only one having proper in- iriadiotionL At the conclusion of Col.

Foster's remarks, the Court adjourned, at Mr. GiUeU's request, Vill ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Fro as eia. s7Mi tan's leartmet. Niw York Not.

3. ths CommmAaFa dispatch from Washington, tars: Col. MorohT. aTth. 7th N.

Y. artillery. fg arrested and oomaitted to the Old Capitol Prison todav. i i Ths steamer Monterey, from New Orleans 5tn. has arrived.

A latter from Oea. Ull man's department at aforf-aana, of the 21st, states that tha rebel cent -of exchange naa oennmanieawxi wim SCTen. Lawler. statin that a large number of jpnsoaera, intended for exchange, were on board teamen which, on account of low wa- itar. were ashore.

Ha vreDaeed landing and searching tnem down, to be exobanged for tne fUne nomoer oriebeta, to be sent np from new neana. i a exenange will be efxeotea at me tooth of the Red River. The rebel offloer also informed Gem. Lawler at a Captain Lee, of Qaaatrell's guerrillas, ta eae annorea desperadoes, dressed la Un- aoifurmv were just beyond the Atcbafaya. tuver.

ana ia--reDei uenerai Smith had werd-lo his Colonel commanding that dis- Bot so rooui mem or permit them, to If ttey Moceeaea la finally the ntoa forces were not, to oonaider them as infedjsrat soiaiors. Gens. Cllmea and Lawler win probably fin than (ha flnl nmvwtnnltv 1 r' was eoiM at Forte train es and Morgan. etoeewre rc-totrijr UU A.K1S MOWPBCirVTWOri, Aa vw Unr aaeertrosBt of BorAsrsS wTN." it KFW vTUUIUWI ii tweii. j-st- r.

iTijf rm mwim TjELTINOs- WIDE AND EXTRA WIDE, 3. "Ir eell err F. A MOYOaVM-P. "Vr- Jf "1 -I II 1.11 in -4 i I- 4' ii i i JSVvj'f.

The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.