Story of Prophet Shuaib (AS) | (2024)

1. Prophet Adam (AS)

1. Purpose and History

2. Iblis (Satan), Man's Enemy

3. Commentary: Prostrating Before Adam

4. Traditions About the Angels

5. Creation

6. Establishing the Islamic Greeting

7. Adam's Progeny Accept Allah

8. The Prophets' Covenant

9. Similarity Between Adam and Jesus (PBUT)

10. Angels' Prostrate in Front of Adam

11. Commentary: Allah's Freedom to Creatures

12. Adam Learns Names

13. Angels Acknowledge Adam's Knowledge

14. Creation of Eve

15. The Location of Adam and Eve's Paradise

16. The Forbidden Tree

17. Adam and Eve's Descent from Paradise

18. Condensed Story of Adam and Allah's Promise

19. Commentary: Why Adam and Eve Descended

20. Commentary: Adam's Free Will

21. Encounter Between Adam and Moses (PBUT) - Hadith

22. Variations on Where Adam, Eve, and Iblis Descended

23. Adam's Life on Earth

24. The First Four Children

25. Cain's Disobedience

26. Commentary: Cain's Disobedience

27. Cain's Jealousy of Abel

28. The First Death

29. The First Burial

30. The First Murder - from Quran

31. The First Murder - from Various Hadith

32. Adam Preaches to His Children

33. Adam's Successor, Seth

34. Adam's Death

35. Successors After Adam

2. Prophet Idris (AS)

1. Allah's Praises of Enoch

2. Birth and Teachings

3. The Wise Sayings of Enoch

3. Prophet Nuh (AS)

1. Variations on the Birth-Year of Noah

2. Noah's People - Idolaters

3. Various Hadith Describing the Origin of Idolatry

4. Commentary - Idolatry

5. Noah's Reasoning with His People

6. Division Among Noah's People

7. The Disbelievers' Arguments

8. The Disbelievers Attempt to Bargain

9. The Disbelievers Remain Ignorant

10. Noah's Appeal to His People

11. The Length of Noah's Preaching

12. Noah Prays for the Disbeleivers' End

13. Noah Builds the Ark

14. The Flood Begins

15. The Number of Believers

16. Description of the Flood

17. Noah Appeals to His Son

18. The Flood Ends

19. The Believers Disembark

20. Noah's Death

4. Prophet Hud (AS)

1. Description of the People of Ad

2. Description of Hud

3. Commentary - Hud's Appeal to His People

4. Hud's Appeal to His People - Qur'anic

5. Hud (PUBH) Explains the Day of Judgment

6. The Disbelievers' Attitude

7. The Disbelievers Question Hud

8. Hud Warns His People

9. The Punishment

10. The Believers are Saved

5. Prophet Salih (AS)

1. Description of the People of Thamud

2. Description of Salih

3. Salih's People Demand a Miracle

4. Stories About the She-Camel

5. The Disbelievers' Hatred for Salih

6. The Disbelievers' Plot to Kill the She-Camel

7. Salih Warns of a Punishment

8. The Disbelievers Plot Against Salih

9. The Punishment

10. Salih's Story - Condensed Qur'anic Version

11. Hadith About the People of Thamud

6. Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

1. Description of Abraham and His Family

2. Abraham's Childhood

3. Abraham's Hatred for Idols

4. Abraham Discovers Allah

5. Abraham Reasons with the Celestial Worshippers

6. The Celestial Worshippers' Arguments

7. Abraham Reasons With the Idolaters - Surah 21

8. Abraham Reasons With His Father

9. Abraham Debates With the Idolaters

10. Abraham Reasons With the Idolaters, Second Time

11. Abraham Breaks the Idols

12. The Idolaters Question Abraham

13. The Idolaters Try to Burn Abraham

14. The Faith of the Believers

15. The People's Reaction to the Fire

16. Abraham's Dialogue with Namrud

17. Abraham Emigrates

18. Hadith About Abraham , Sarah, and Hajar

19. Hajar and Sarah

20. Abraham Questions Resurrection

7. Prophet Ismail (AS)

1. Abraham Leaves Hajar and Ishmael

2. Hajar and Ishmael - by Ibn Abbas

3. Hajar Sees Zam-zam - by Prophet Muhammad

4. Mecca is Settled - Told by Prophet Muhammad

5. Ishmael's Wives

6. The Kaba is Built - by Prophet Muhammad

7. Hajar Sees Zam-zam - by Ibn Abbas

8. Mecca is Settled - by Ibn Abbas

9. Ishmael's Wives - by Ibn Abbas

10. The Kaba is Built - by Ibn Abbas

11. Abraham and Ishmael (PBUT) - the Sacrifice

12. Tidings of Isaac

13. Tidings of Isaac - Qur'anic

8. Prophet Ishaaq (AS) and Prophet Yaqub (AS)

1. Issac's Sons - from Commentators

2. Issac's Sons - from the People of the Book

3. Jacob Leaves His Home - from the People of the Book

4. Jacob's Promise

5. Jacob's Wives - from the People of the Book

6. Jacob's Children - from the People of the Book

7. Jacob's Request - from the People of the Book

8. Jacob Accused of Taking Idols

9. Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau

10. Jacob Becomes Israel

11. Jacob and Esau Meet

12. Jacob Builds Ayl

13. Dinah's Story - from the People of the Book

14. Rachel's Death

15. The Sons of Jacob

16. Isaac's Death

17. The Prophets' Last Wish

18. Qur'an's Way of Confronting People of the Book

19. Qur'an's Reasoning About Abraham's Religion

9. Prophet Lut (AS)

1. Description of the People of Sodom

2. Lot's Message

3. Lot's Wife

4. Angels Come to Meet Lot

5. The Mob at Lot's House

6. The Punishment

7. The Angels Meet Abraham

8. Condensed Version of Lot's Story

9. Lot's Life After Sodom

10. Prophet Shuaib (AS)

1. Shuaib's Message

2. The Disbelievers' Threat

3. The Disbelievers' Destruction

4. Shuaib's Story - Condensed Version

5. The Disbelievers' Ignorance

11. Prophet Yusuf (AS)

1. Introduction

2. Summary of Joseph's Story

3. The Story's Presentation

4. Joseph's Childhood

5. Description of Joseph

6. The Evil Plot of Joseph's Brothers

7. The Brothers Approach Jacob

8. Joseph Thrown into the Well

9. The Brothers Lie to Jacob

10. Joseph Finds Comfort in Allah

11. Joseph From the Well to Slavery

12. Joseph's Master

13. The People's Feelings towards Joseph

14. Joseph's Qualities

15. Zulaikha's Feelings for Joseph

16. Joseph's Feelings for Zulaikha

17. Zulaikha's False Accusation

18. Zulaikha is Ridiculed by the People

19. Zulaikha's Plan to Regain Her Reputation

20. The Women's Reaction to Joseph

21. The Women's Reaction - Qur'anic

22. Joseph's Decision to Go to Jail

23. Joseph's Time in Prison

24. Joseph's Time in Prison - Qur'anic

25. The King's Dream

26. Joseph's Interpretation of the Dream

27. The Dream and Interpretation - Qur'anic

28. Joseph's Innocence Proved

29. Joseph's Innocence Proved - Qur'anic

30. Zulaikha's Life Afterwards

31. Joseph's High Position

32. Joseph's High Position - Qur'anic

33. Joseph Meets His Brothers

34. Joseph Meets His Brothers - Qur'anic

35. The Brothers Return to Canaan

36. The Brothers Return to Canaan - Qur'anic

37. Joseph and Benjamin Meet

38. A Thief Among the Brothers

39. Benjamin is Accused

40. Joseph Meets Benjamin and the Accusation - Qur'anic

41. Joseph's Plan

42. The Brothers Confront Jacob

43. The Brothers Confront Jacob - Qur'anic

44. Jacob's Request to Find Joseph

45. Jacob's Request to Find Joseph - Qur'anic

46. Joseph Reveals Himself

47. Jacob Learns About Joseph

48. Jacob and Joseph (PBUT) Meet

49. Epilogue

50. The Death of Jacob and Joseph (PBUT)

12. Prophet Ayyub (AS)

1. Job's Family History

2. Allah's Praises of Job

3. Iblis's Jealousy of Job

4. Iblis Destroys Job's Wealth

5. Iblis Destroys Job's Children

6. Iblis Destroys Job's Health

7. Job's Life - Summary

8. Job's Prayer for Mercy

9. Job's Health is Restored

10. Prophet Muhammad's Account About Job

13. Prophet Dhul-Kifl (AS)

1. Is he a Prophet?

2. The Meaning of Dhul-Kifl

14. People of Ar-Rass

1. Qur'anic Verses Describing Ar-Rass

2. The Destruction of Ar-Rass

15. People of Antioch

1. The Prophets' Message

2. The Believing Man

3. The Punishment

16. Prophet Yunus (AS)

1. Description of Jonah's People

2. Jonah Leaves His People

3. The People are Forgiven

4. The Storm at Sea

5. Jonah Jumps into the Sea

6. The Whale Swallows Jonah

7. Allah Forgives Jonah

8. Summary of Jonah's Story

9. Jonah's People - Changed

10. Porphet Muhammad's Saying About Jonah (PBUT)

17. Prophet Musa (AS)

1. The Story of Moses

2. The Situation after Moses is Proven Right

3. The Perishing of Pharaoh and His Army

4. The Israelites after Pharaoh's Defeat

5. The Story of the Golden Calf

6. The Story of the Israelites and the Cow

7. The Story Moses and Al-Khidr

8. The Death of Moses

18. Prophet Hisqeel (AS)

1. Allah Resurrects the Dead

2. Allah Resurrects the Dead Through Ezekiel

3. Hadith About Plagues

19. Prophet Ilyas (AS)

1. Elisha's Mission

2. The Family History of Elisha

20. Prophet Shammil (AS)

1. The State of the Israelites After Joshua

2. The Ark of the Covenant

3. Samuel Comes to the Israelites

4. Saul is Appointed King

5. Saul is Appointed King - Qur'anic

6. Saul Leads an Army - Qur'anic

7. Saul Leads an Army

8. Saul's Army Sees the Enemy

21. Prophet Dawud (AS)

1. David Challenges Goliath

2. David and Goliath Fight

3. Allah Gives David the Kingdom

4. David Becomes a Prophet

5. Daivd is Granted the Language of Animals

6. David's Fasting and Praying

7. Iron Becomes Flexible for David

8. Saul Becomes Jealous of David

9. Saul Plots to Kill David

10. David Forgives Saul

11. David Becomes King

12. David's Son Solomon (PBUT)

13. Daivd as a Ruler

14. Angels Teach David About Fairness

22. Prophet Sulaiman (AS)

1. Solomon's Knowledge

2. Solomon Becomes King

3. Solomon Admiration of Horses

4. Allah's Gifts to Solomon - Qur'anic

5. Solomon Hears the Ant's Warning

6. Solomon Hears the Coversation of Ants - Qur'anic

7. Solomon's Travels

8. The Hoopoe Brings Information to Solomon

9. The Queen of Sheba Sends Gifts

10. Solomon Rejects the Queen's Gifts

11. The Queen Decides to Visit Solomon

12. The Queen's Visit with Solomon

13. Solomon is Informed About the Queen of Sheba - Qur'anic

14. The Queen Sends Gifts - Qur'anic

15. The Queen Visits Solomon

16. Jinns and Solomon

17. Solomon's Death

18. Solomon's Death - Qur'anic

23. Prophet Isaiah (AS)

1. Isaiah and Hezekiah

2. Allah Grants More Life to Hezekiah

3. Allah Destroys Hezekiah's Enemies

4. Israel After Hezekiah's Death

5. Isaiah's Death

24. Prophet Aramaya (AS)

1. Jeremiah's Family History

2. Traditions About Jeremiah's

3. Allah's Warning to the Children of Israel

4. Allah's Message to the Children of Israel

5. Allah's Warning to the Children of Israel - Variation

6. Jeremiah Pleads on Behalf of His People

7. Jeremiah's People Refuse to Listen

8. Nebuchadnezzar's Rule

9. Nebuchadnezzar and Jeremiah Meet

10. Nebuchadnezzar and Jeremiah Meet - Variation

11. The Children of Israel Do Not Repent

12. Jeremiah Sleeps for 100 Years, Jerusalem is Rebuilt

13. The History of Israel After its Rebuilding

25. Prophet Daniyal (AS)

1. Allah Saves Daniel from Lions

2. Daniel After Death

3. Daniel's Death - Hadith

4. After Daniel's Death - Variation

5. Daniel's Ring

26. Prophet Uzair (AS)

1. Ezra Sleeps For 100 Years

2. Ezra Returns Home

3. Ezra Finds and Copies the Torah

27. Prophet Zakariya (AS)

1. General Description of Zakariyah

2. Zakariyah Talks to Mary

3. Zakariyah Asks for a Son - Qur'anic

28. Prophet Yahya (AS)

1. John's Childhood

2. John's Qualities

3. Why John Always Wept

4. John's Love of Nature

5. John's Cruel Death

29. Prophet Isa (AS)

1. The Story of Mary, Daughter of Imran

2. The Birth of Prophet Jesus (Isa)

3. Refutation of the Christians' Claims

30. Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

1. Muhammad's Family History

2. Muhammad's Childhood

3. Muhammad - Youth to Manhood

4. Before Prophethood

5. Muhammad's First Revelation

6. Early Years of Prophethood

7. Description of Hamza

8. Muhammad's Message to the Meccans

9. A Warning to the Disbelievers - Qur'anic

10. The Quraish Become Alarmed

11. Allah's Definition of an Honorable Person

12. The Quraish Torture the Weak

13. Utba and the Quraish Try to Bribe Muhammad

14. The First Hijrah

15. The Quraish Fail to Get the Emigrants Back

16. Muhammad Continues Preaching to the Quraish

17. Muhammad is Asked for a Sign

18. The Bedouins Become Muslims

19. The Quraish Address Abu Talib

20. Abu Talib Asks the Tribes to Protect Muhammad

21. Umar Adopts Islam

22. The Quraish Split into Two Parties

23. The Death of Khadijah and Abu Talib

24. Muhammad Preaches in Ta'if

25. Muhammad Converts Some Jews

26. The Miraj

27. Muhammad Converts Jews of Yathrib (Medina)

28. Muslims Find Refuge in Yathrib (Medina)

29. The Disbelievers Plot to Kill Muhammad

30. Abu Bakr's Short-Lived Freedom to Worship - from Aisha

31. Muhammad and Abu Bakr Hide - from Aisha

32. Suraqa Ibn Jusham Does Not Kill Muhammad

33. Medina

34. The Battle of Badr

35. The Battle of Uhud

36. The Third Major Battle with the Quraish

37. Muhammad Establishes a Contract with Christians

38. The Treaty of Hudaibiya

39. Heraclius, Emperor of the Romans

40. Muslims Defeat the Jews of Khaibar

41. The Believers' Pilgrimage to Mecca

42. Retribution for the Killing of a Muslim Envoy

43. Conquest of Mecca

44. The Battle of Hunain and Other Small Battles

45. The Ninth Year of Hijrah

46. The People of Ta'if Accept Islam

47. The Majority of Mecca Becomes Islamic

48. The Tenth Year of Hijrah

49. Muhammad Accomplishes His Mission

50. Muhammad's Last Sermon

51. The Eleventh Year of Hijrah

52. False Prophets

53. Muhammad's Last Prayer

54. The Death of Prophet Muhammad

55. The Burial of Prophet Muhammad

Story of Prophet Shuaib (AS) | (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.