Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas (2024)

AtWPpTWl Month od omi ONI STAR mtUbr HoteMn HfU- $ltnk, Umlta, tt, UlwU'lo tf milk Arknnsni FfirflUltl TttRKK room lurnuhwi, Ktiotrte bon, paid, 204 Borttitr, A. ft, 23-tf VACAfW now, 3 room furntahcd Apartment. 7-44M. 0-31 4 ROOM furnished apnrtment. Cloie-ln, rent.

Cull 7-3748, 11-3t NoUct HAUX, and itSrttd ll.M yard Oravalnvallabla. Foy HamnwnJ PHffna 7.26SQ. Jfr-lM Ottrden: THE COOL, cool, cool of tho evonlnit, drive out nwl a nice nt wntor- mulDn, mlloit r-wnt on 07. )f)lek Krwln. Wonted OIJIL work nt Orlve-ln Muiit bo permanent end above xobool Dint 7-0820.

IMt ONK liidy for dlnlnu room norvlco, Apply in person, llotol Dnrlow, JUSt OOLO wntch with band find raiftad orynliil, Lout In the vicinity of WON! found plotmo onll or WanNd ONK morn experienced Wo hnvfl of iho In tho utaln, but need one morn, Wo pny tho bout unladen In thn noutli and furnlnh mcols too, Apply Mm. Carroll, Diamond Cnfe, TWO good fttrndy dlnhwonhflrn end Oho cook'N helper, Apply Mrs, Cnrroll, Dlnmond Cafe, 23tf PIUCSSUH, bo experienced, Hoi(ulnr wurk. Oowl pny. COUPLK to llvo In itmnll hotuo. ttont friH'.

Until April 1093. Vtutwr, plcolrloily, 40(1 S. Kim. u-3t Wonted to Buy UPRIGHT piano In the or Hludlo plnno, Ultu 7-a3lO tOTS, fnrm noiir town. Write Hox in care of Hopu Wanted VVOULDYOU Like to represent us in Hempstead County? This Is what- Answer the roquoaU from ueoplo who want Infurmntton ttboul our Complotoly nt of lluipltnl ur 'NVrllc their tor HOSPITAL! ZATION MEDICAL SURGICAL or ACCIDENT HEALTH INSURANCE what you FREE TRAIN ING tft.ftS to $10,50 commlMlon on path application bonus (Ureu cvt'ry tkm to onliirldd an tlu-n nuui- antl r.auta WHAT YOU MUST BE HONEST AMeiTlOUS BONDAOLE Over 21 and hove car whom ytjtt further Uuamatlwj Ibaut a.

Alliop SuptrvUor 400 UaptUt Medtcil UUU, Rock, Long, Tiresome out by Hayi Political Announcements ftalf IfcA ji.J IHV Of tllw primary dtetloni: ax oitrr TALBOT FEELD JR. for County Judn H. BUTTON U. O. OARRETT far Ward 1 K.

C. (Bob) DANIELS JOE JOHE8 Idarmim Ward I JOHNSON RIDODILL (Pint 8th District) WKSUCY kowAno A. P. STEEL Cor Congraii RrcN Mnnia The Negro Community Turntr Phont 7-4474 bring Items to Turner Funaral Gmipvn nrul fnnilly huvo roluriu'd to their home In Freirio, upcncllnK two with Mru. Spiuu-x parents, Mm, Ho II ICnitllMh mid oilu-r rclsi- All-Star Team as Named by League of Sotithweit Arkansas tx-nguc that were ielpclwl fty vote from enctf of the IXHI Cnmbra, Int.

Jarnrg Miller, Hut 2nd, Sonny Nutt. Mineral Hobby Nnnhvllle, 3d, First Ixmnlo Bell, Mineral JiimcN Mamey Nauh- villc, nncl Uorclon Bfiisley, Mope for 2nd, Second ttnnn: Cliff Horton. Mineral tied fdV Ut with Bob Whlio, Hope. Johnny Goo4ell, 3d. Short Slop: Danny Stringer of Int.

T-ouiH Bell. Mineral 2nd, Perry Brown, Tomlcs place. Third Bane: Loulii Carpenter, Mineral Springs, 1st, Gene NriNhvlllo, 2nd, Ptrry Brown, Tornlos, 3d. Left Fluid: Hugh Peck, Mineral 1st, Leland Byrd, Prldfiu. 2nd.

Riiy Bnlrd. Tomlcii, 3d. Center Field: Mnrty Kllogaroo, llopn FinnclK Bell, 'Mtnt'rnl 2nd, DonaJd Crown, of Nnnhville. 3d. Kljiht Fit-Id: Jnck Crirtvlcy, vUle, Honor Qulnn, 2nd Hopnon, 3d.

J'fU'hfrs: Kdwnrd McUsh, Pride's, Juck McClcnclon, Mlncriil SprliiKH, 2nd, Dick Ponrco, Prldox 3d, Ittilph Gri-Kory, Mnshvlllc, 4lh. Ixidrte, and hat of two preiklefit for two of PaliUey P.T.A. and active in the JvHUt High P.T.A, Utia. She a tttac coming to ttcrttary for. two of the Council of I Chuech Women, Rev.

Mardegree hai'braA Dean of Intermediate Camp of thw ChrUtlan of South Arkati at Clear near Okolono for the past fik Me president of the Minister's Institute ftho ChrUtlan Churches of Arkansas In J6SO: a member of Iho Arkutunn Board of Christian Kdm-atlon for six years: a mem bi'r of the Recommendations Com mlttee frorn Arkansas to the Inter national Convention; and the present president of the Southwest District Convention of Christian Churches. He Hated In "Who's Who of the Clergy" which Uint published in 1042. Dr. 'and Mrs. C.

l.owls nnd )1, Ho He oo Conklln left Satu ril by nliflu tu nttviul tho Nationnl Mcdtenl AiMOclutlon In Chleutio, Ixie MOHS at Milwaukee, vUHUlK Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Monk, and Mrs.

Narvtilla Rmiks nnd grnrul JOB of Duty, tu'o vliltlng their nUlwr, Mrs. lU-nther Nt'luon Hill Pout No. 427, will Christian Continued from Page membership has been Increased by forty percent; the Sundtiy School I by about snme percentiiKc; i the Christian Women's Fellowship! has not only presented a strong piufiram but has also presented the church with well $2,300 worth of Improvements nnd equip- mcnl durlim the past seven years. Thu youth proiiram has be(tn a main feature of the total program ami fow churches have been able to maintain as varied, 11 program of iH'tlvitti's for its youth this church him without paid workers. The corner lot on North Elrrf nnd West Avimuc- JJ is another fine properly Iniprovc-monl.

Prac tlcally all of tho church property hns been redecorated recently in- Kidu and ot, Including the prurson- And till of this is complotely Iroe of debt. Ht-v. nnd Mrs. Hnrdeurce have been active In the community, Mr. lltmk'Rree Is in the Klwnnls Club and the Reserve Officers Association.

He Is a (I.t. Col.) In the United States Army Reserve, lie Is a memlier'o! 1 I have Its roiiulfiLvjneetinK Tuulday', AUK- at Iho regular inox'ting pluci; at 8 p.m. Three State Continued rrom Page One Candidate J. T. Gunter's name will not appear on the ballot in oni; of the four counties in the diMrlct.

I opponent, W. E. I'K'tchi'r, won a Supreme Court inlinic removing his name from the Lonokr; county ballot because Ciiintcr'ii (lUiillfyli)K fee cheek was rrttirncd for "insufficient funds." A fathpr-son combination will be, voted on in tho ninth chancery district and the 10th senate dis- Bob Bailey is seeking the post against Patterson; his son, Bob fncen F. F. Acrce for the senatorial nomination.

Other dsitrlct Vaces and cnntlitiiilen: Circuit Judge, third district, Andrew Ponder and P. W. M. Thompson. Chancellors: First district, first division: E.

Rodney Pnrham nnd Murray Reed. Sixth district, first division: Wesley Howard and P. Steel. Kight district: P. Houston nnd P.

Cunningham. Attorneys: Ninth diilrlct: Wlnfred Lake and; ft C. ThornM. I 18th district: Walter J. Hebert; and II, A.

State Senators: Third district: Wiley W. Beam nnd J. S. Smith. Faiirth district: J.

E. Garner nnd flny Geon, FHth district: Chlsm Reed and Sam Ford. Seventh.district: F. C. Crow and T.

Sllvey. Eleventh district: W. E. Armstrong and Q. B.

Hurst. 12th district: Floyd Bryan and Dr. E. .1. Byrd.

13th district: Wayne Jewell and Marshall Shnckleford, Jr. Hlh district: Guy Jones and John I. Purtle. 17th district: J. W.

Best and Tom J8tH district: J. O. Cheney and Y. M. 24lh districU Dough Bradley and Marvin Melton, 2Mb district: C.

E. Bell and Lnnriar Roflfipi-s. 28th district: P. Bfifcer nnd O. Carries.

Thorpe Recovering Fro Heart Attack HENDERSON, Nov. Ml Thorpe, the great Carlisle Indian! athlete of yusteryeiir who suf-i It-rod a heart attack was home from the hospital today but urtdor doctor's orders to takej things easy. Thi; former football great and; Olympic champion, now 64. was; admitted to Iho; hospital Friday, but his doctor said! lit? hud shown constant improve-1 niunt. Thorpe operates' a small bar' known as the Jim Thorpe Resort Henderson.

In the century poll Conducted by the sedated Press he was voted greatest male Popcorn pops because it has hard easing which holds back am pressure which is built when the corn is heated until explosion takes place. Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism How to Avoid Crippling Deformities An amazing newly enlarged 44- paae book entitled will be sent free to anyone who will write for It. reveals why drugs nnd medicines give only temporary relief nnd fail to remove the causes of the trouble; explains specialized mm-surylcnl, non-mcdicol treatment which has proven successful for the past 33 years. You incur no obligation in sending for this instructive book. It may be the means of saving you years of untold -''Wr'ite today to The Ball Clinic, Dept.

4210, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. A to be it I WM AFTER THE ELECTION Candidate Resumes Life In Usual Environment Seldom does a day pass without or more seeking the aid and -assistance of our State Senator. May feeble old lady that gave a son in battle, a college student, a group of farmers, a cattleman, a business man, a business woman, a group of women promoting a worthy cause. Or maybe itis a rush trip to the Capital''with a delegation of City or County officials in the interest of some project. It is extremely advantageous to have a senator that maintains a telephone equipped office, works and lives where he pays his poll tax.

One that has a legally trained mind that you can talk to about enacting, amending or repealing laws. One that you can see or talk to in his home or office every week-end during a legislative ses- siorx Many are the letters quickly written.or telegram quickly dispatched from a Senator's office in the promotion of industrial projects for his district. But if the Senator has no office, no place of business and be travel ing in distant counties what then? A Senator's power to tax and power to spend is a power that should be entrusted in the hands of only a citiuen that hos made a success of his own business. One that has succeeded in the professions for which he is trained. One that is OPPOSED to INCREASING such taxes as the SALES TAX, Working Man, Mrs.

Homemaker, Miss Working Girl Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Merchant look at Crow's senatorial record of accomplishment compare the records a workman is known by This is so vital JO you that you should viIigantly work to RE-ELECT DR. F. C.

CROW STATE SENATOR iiwsti his second that was interred by the Paul Chambcr-j Carried 62 75 Counties in Lasf Week's Primary. Make if Unanimous on TuesdaV for PAUL CHAMBERS for National Commirreeman Advertisem*nt paid for by Paul Chambers VOTE FOR THOMPSON (Tom) EVANS Candidate for ALDERMAN WARD 3 Your Vote and Influence will be Appreciated. Pol. Aclv Paid for by Thompson Evans. If Toddy You Can STOP Being Deaf FOR e'A FULL ONLY 69.50 PRICE Announcing the amazing new Acousticon SPECIAL Hearing Aid the all-purpose hearing aid nt the extremely low price oniy $09.50 complete.

SKIN RECEIVER No receiver in your ear, witn 1 the New DR-1 skin receiver. No oar buttons, no headband, no pressure, nothing In either ear. Ask to see it with the Acounti- con SPECIAL. DON'T PUT IT OFF ANOTHER DAY. Mail the coupon right now for complete details of free home tryout.

No cost, no obligation. IF YOU CAN'T COME IN, MAIL THIS COUPON NOW Acousticon Hearing Aids 816 Texarkana National Bank Building Texarkana, Texas Name Address City FREE HEARING AID CLINIC Tuesday, Aug. 12 1 to 4 p. m. Barlow Hotel, Hope Batteries for all hearing aids.

A. L. BURNS, Dealer TO THE MERCHANTS OF FROM THE PEOPLE OF We have read with interest the ad in Friday's Hope Star, signed by so many people from Springhill Township. We too think you are vitally interested in our getting farm-to-market roads. We know McMath's road program because we have seen it in action.

He promised he would divide the road funds equally between the primary and farrrv-to-market roads. He is doing just that. We know Cherry's plans. He is now sick of it but he is bound by his own statement. He says he will apportion the money on the basis of traffic count.

Now we don't have the required traffic count but we think our roads are just as important to you and to us as the truck lines that serve the tourists and big transport companies. We shall watch with prayerful interest your vote on Tuesday and we hope it will be: For McMATH and farm-to market roads AgoinstDGHERRYandhistraffic count SIGNED: John C. Floyd Mrs. John C. Floyd Berry Faulkner Mrs.

Berry Faulkner S. J. Burke Mrs. S. J.

Burke H. G. Good Eutefr Burke Mrs. Eulas Burke Jim Faulkner Mrs, Faulkner Mrs, J. W.

Shirley J.WShirley J. W. Shirley. Jr. D.

M. Samuel H. A. Willett Hoi I is Samuel John L. Burke Mrs.

John Burke Jack I. Burke Wayvward Burke Mrs. Wayward Burke J. N. Arnold Harry F.

Robinson Mrs. Harry Robinson Troy Butler Mrs. Troy Butlef VernQn Arnold Willitirn Schooley J. C. Burke James H.

Burke Roy Burke Mrs. Roy Burke Ed Palmer Elston Willis Mrs. Elston Willis Mrs. G. C.

Clark G. C- Clark Bedra Cower Adv. Pawl for by J. C. Bwrfce and other BeAou 5 LV Answtr Pwtout Back to School I'LL PUT TH 1 BA6 OF BOMEe.

THE WAITRESS FOR TH 1 HERE TILL AFTER. TH' IT'S TIME FER. IT RIGHT JCON'T WANTID MISS ANJV IT'S MY FAVDRITB HORIZONTAL 2 Toward the I Used in sheltered side geography 3 Contrition lessons 4 Stripped 4 This one goea Wor of to nursery Greece school 8 What the 8 Adhesive teacher did for cuts at sheep school recess 8 Name a 12 Malt beverage composition 13 Pupils all in 9 Region line 10 What pupils 14 Angers shouldn't be 15 First graders 11 Essential count to being 16 Those who 17 Made a bird's take offense nhome 18 Rich girl 19 French 20 Make happy revenue 21 Spread to dry 23 ls borne 22 Gaelic 24 Unbleached 24 Level 26 Mine entrance 27 Deep IT RUNS A WHOLE HOUR' SBT TO OUT OP MBKE ANP AM 25 (coll.) 26 Malicious burning 27 Mourners 28 Rooms in harems 29pirection 31 Landed property 33 Waxes 38 Calm 40 Clamps 41 Musical composition 42 Domesticated 43 Wild 44 Heal 46 Units 47 P6n name of Charles Lamb 48 Mature 50 Unit of wire measurement WASH TUIBS OUMNO IF VOU CWO WAKE-NEW LOOK. BILLV, ARBNT EMOUSH K'WPPOl-'CE DON'T HW6 TO HMJL OFTEN! VOU'RE HBOEO FOR THE IF- VOU KEEP RUN" PICK.IM 1 NVV I WIW6 WITH THW TOU13H CROWD?" 1 30 Middle 32 Ten years 34 School period 35 Dropsies 36 Employ 37 Throw 39 Repose 40 Weatherco*ck 41 Males 42 Implied without words 45 Male chicken 49 Entertainment 51 High priest 52 Additional 53 Arrow poison 54 Tear, 55 Pieces out 56 For fear that 57 So (Scot.) VERTICAL 1 What school children call arithmetic OUR BOARDING MOUSE With WAS A'. MISERABLE RACe -SPROUT HURT MY PRESIDENTIAL, 111 tKe LEARNED ABOUT LED MY FRIENDS HERE IS BACKING THAT y.l CLOSED, you TWO FRIVOLOUS FILL.V PUT V)E COULD MU-3T TAKE OUR X'M A DUD,) TO THORNY DOVMM6 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES PACK BASS FIDDLE FUNNY BUSINESS ALLEY OOP I 8HOULDN'T HAVE BUT WHERE'D I BE.


Oil. 0 1953 ty Ilia. 11 I ask If you want a shampoo and massage, say Remember, It's on. me N' GLANCtS 4 'And now the 'Gargle trio' will that Gurglt's Noiseless Gargle actually is i CHRIS WELKIN, Plpneteer Mlchp.1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND! AKVT TO ZTAKT HEAR ATOM ory A SPEND.

Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.